How to Get My Child to Memorize Their Sight Words
A Matter of Strengths
The first step in helping your child to memorize their sight words is discovering their learning style and ensuring that you and they understand their learning strengths. For learners with a strong left hemisphere profile, traditional teaching methods will likely lead to success. However, for learners with a right hemisphere profile, a multisensory approach is proven to be the most effective. Important elements of a multisensory approach:
- Incorporate images, stories, auditory sensations, body movement, and hands-on activities.
- For active, kinesthetic children, incorporate activities and games that relate to the sight words, allowing them to move while learning
- Visual learners will benefit greatly from stylized sight words, as the embedded image carries the word into visual memory
- Utilize an auditory amplification device, to access their auditory pathway
- Let your child to choose what words they would like to work on, allowing them to have ownership
Depending on your child’s learning style, some of these elements will be more beneficial than others; allow your child to lean into the ones that work for them.
Learn More
If you want to learn more about how to help your child memorize and master their sight words, check out the resources below:

The Importance of Finding Your Child's Learning Style

How to Teach Sight Words so They Will Stick

How to Effectively Teach Sight Words to Struggling Readers

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