Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help my child learn letter sounds & especially vowel sounds

Knowing consonant and vowel sounds is critical to reading. The answer for children who have trouble with vowels and other letter sounds is to use a right-brained approach! If you embed the letters in a picture that is the same shape as the letter and also starts with the sound of the letter, children will be able to use their amazing mental camera and their natural ability to remember visuals permanently. In addition, using the related body movement will be a vital learning tool for kinesthetic learners! Our Alphabet resources are designed to utilize images, body movements, and stories for maximum effectiveness. Find them here. 

Why are sight words important, and how can I help my child learn and remember them?

Sight words are important because they make up 80-90% of the words children will see in text. Reading becomes much easier when children can recognize sight words instantly. Visual, tactile, kinesthetic learners and those with reading disabilities need more than plain text. Drilling will not help! Because SnapWords® incorporate visuals, children learn as easily as a mental camera snapping a picture and storing it in long term memory. Visuals are recalled with 90% accuracy, so there is little more effective than pictures for learning and recall. Adding a related body movement to the sight word picture completes the learning experience for kinesthetic learners. Finally, because SnapWords® pictures show the meaning of the words, comprehension is enhanced. Experience SnapWords® for yourself! Get SnapWords!

My child is struggling with learning math facts – how can I help?

Children need to be fluent with math facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division – as all higher level math comes out of this foundation. Right-brain learners and kids with dyscalculia do not learn through memorization and drill. They need to visualize and understand what is happening in the problem. They need right-brained elements for learning including color-coding, pattern discovery, hands-on practice, story, visuals, and body movement. We have designed these right-brained resources for you. Get started today! 

Where can I find tools that will support my struggling reader?

Areas of difficulty in reading include knowledge of letter sounds, sounding out words, phonics rules, vocabulary, reading fluency, and comprehension. Most children who struggle with reading are right-brain, visual/spatial, or kinesthetic learners who don’t learn in traditional ways. These children learn visually and tactilely, when they see the big picture, when they can learn whole words first, when they can discover patterns that exist in words, etc. The world of reading will open up for your struggling reader when you use resources tat are designed especially with the right-brained learner in mind. Start today!

How do I know if my child is a right-brain learner?

50-60% of students are right-brain learners, but traditional teaching resources are designed for left-brain dominant learners. If your child is struggling to learn, the first thing to do is try a right-brain resource to gauge its effectiveness. Right-brain learners include all children before the age of 7, those who are kinesthetic, visual, dyslexic, autistic, those with auditory processing disorder and more. If children have the opportunity to learn from their strengths, they will always exceed expectations. Learn more.