Castle Quest - Un juego de SnapWords®
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Castle Quest - Un juego de SnapWords®

Castle Quest - Un juego de SnapWords®

Elija SnapWords®

Wooden Game Board

Precio habitual $ 621.00
Precio habitual Precio de oferta $ 621.00
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¡Haz que el aprendizaje de palabras visuales sea divertido y efectivo! Una vez que haya introducido un conjunto de SnapWords®, ¡deje que los niños repasen y practiquen jugando un juego! Castle Quest está diseñado para fomentar el aprendizaje cooperativo utilizando un enfoque práctico y cinestésico que involucrará a todos los alumnos. ¡Castle Quest incluye un conjunto de SnapWords® de su elección!


La búsqueda para llegar al castillo es colaborativa. Una vez que un jugador llega al castillo, continúa jugando, ¡ofreciendo ayuda a aquellos que aún están en su camino!

Castle Quest incluye:

  • Un tablero de madera resistente
  • Un soporte de madera para sujetar SnapWords®
  • Un bloque de madera para sujetar tarjetas de bolsillo en su lugar.
  • Piezas de juego y un dado de gran tamaño.

¡Castle Quest se puede usar con cualquier nivel de SnapWords® en el que se encuentre el grupo! Se puede usar con tarjetas de enseñanza SnapWords® o con tarjetas de gráfico de bolsillo SnapWords®. Castle Quest también se puede usar con otras herramientas de aprendizaje, como los juegos de matemáticas del cerebro derecho . Ver instrucciones alternativas .

Castle Quest viene en una caja de cartón resistente con instrucciones impresas en la parte inferior de la caja.

¡Perfecto para el hogar o el aula!

Frequently Asked Questions

Sight words are critical in early literacy because they make up 80-90% of the words children encounter in text, and recognizing them instantly greatly simplifies reading, improving fluency and comprehension. These high-frequency words, such as "the" and "and," enhance reading fluency, comprehension, and confidence, laying the foundation for more advanced literacy skills, reducing cognitive load, and supporting performance on standardized tests and overall language development. In a nutshell, mastering sight words is essential for building strong reading skills in children.

SnapWords® are designed to cater to diverse learning styles, particularly accommodating visual learners who benefit from associating words with images, seeing the whole word before delving into details like phonics, spelling, and decoding. This approach begins with presenting the entire word, allowing learners to establish a visual memory of the word's form before exploring spelling patterns and phonics rules, ultimately empowering them to tackle more complex, unfamiliar words. While sequential methods typically start with teaching details before introducing the whole word, SnapWords® recognize that right-brain dominant learners thrive by grasping words and phonics holistically.

For individuals with a left-brain dominant learning style, who think in words and handle abstractions adeptly, the images on the front of the cards may appear redundant or distracting. The unadorned word on the back may align better with their preferences. However, for right-brained visual learners, the inclusion of images is indispensable. These images enable them to create a mental picture and store the entire word in visual memory, matching their cognitive style. This image then serves as a recall anchor, even when they encounter the plain word. If asked how they remember the word while reading, they will often attribute it to the image stored in their visual memory.

SnapWords® take a comprehensive approach by incorporating body motion to engage kinesthetic learners, activating body memory. Additionally, the inclusion of sentences aids in comprehending and using words correctly within the context of sentences. This multifaceted method ensures that SnapWords® address various learning preferences and provide a holistic learning experience.

We intentionally avoid labeling our resources with specific grade levels or ages to place the emphasis on each child's unique abilities. While the skills covered typically span from kindergarten to third grade, individuals of various ages have found success with our materials.

Learning styles refer to the different ways in which individuals naturally approach and process information, influencing how people learn, understand, and remember new material. Learning styles matter because they impact how effectively individuals can absorb and retain information. Understanding and accommodating these natural strengths can enhance the learning experience in a multitude of ways.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ronda Escalera

The quality of this product is amazing!

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