Las tarjetas didácticas de multiplicación y división están diseñadas para usarse como un recurso complementario al libro Multiplicación y división del cerebro derecho . El conjunto de tarjetas contiene todas las imágenes principales del libro para un recurso útil. En el reverso de cada tarjeta está el texto que explica cada imagen, tomado del libro.
Acerca de este producto
Muestre los hechos estilizados en una pared, tablón de anuncios o en un gráfico de bolsillo para un recordatorio adicional a medida que avanza en cada capítulo.
El conjunto contiene 53 tarjetas grandes a todo color, impresas en cartulina resistente, 8,5" x 5,5".
Frequently Asked Questions
Learning styles refer to the different ways in which individuals naturally approach and process information, influencing how people learn, understand, and remember new material. Learning styles matter because they impact how effectively individuals can absorb and retain information. Understanding and accommodating these natural strengths can enhance the learning experience in a multitude of ways.
Right-brain learners possess distinct characteristics that distinguish them from their left-brain counterparts. These characteristics pertain to their information intake, processing methods, and preferred memory strategies. When we discuss right-brain learning, we are essentially describing the way they naturally absorb, process, and retain information. Right-brain dominant learning, often associated with the right hemisphere of the brain, refers to a learning style that emphasizes creative and holistic approaches to understanding and retaining information. Strategies that are highly effective include multisensory materials, visuals, stories, movement, and hands-on activities.