The Reading Journey Continues: Easy-for-Me™ Teaching Kit 2
The Easy-For-Me™ Program is so effective because the multi-sensory approach to learning engages your child on all levels, utilizing the strengths and gifts of their own learning style. The program is a right-brained approach, especially designed to teach all aspects of reading explicitly so that no child is left behind. It is visual, tactile, hands-on, and very effective where traditional approaches fall short.
The Easy-for-Me™ Teaching Kit 2 picks up where Kit 1 left off.
Teaching Manual 2
The Easy-for-Me™ Teaching Manual 2 contains 180 self-paced lessons that blend systematic phonics instruction, sight word recognition, reading, and vocabulary with right-brained strategies such as visuals, movement, story, humor, and hands-on activities.
Lessons are laid out in detail so you know exactly what to do without being a specialist in education. All resources and assessments are provided for you to print from your computer.
Skills taught include:

SnapWords® are the very best, most effective way of building an extensive sight word vocabulary without a child having to memorize and drill. All words are embedded in pictures that show the meaning of the word, engage the learner, and provide an unforgettable visual memory of the word. On the reverse of each SnapWords® card is the plain word for transitioning from pictures to text, and a body movement that mirrors the meaning of the word – perfect for kinesthetic and right-brained learners!
The Illustrated Book of Sounds & Their Spelling Patterns
The Illustrated Book of Sounds & Their Spelling Patterns is the most effective way to help children make sense of how words are made. They learn visually and tactilely the spelling patterns that appear in the words in our language. All the sounds in our language are taught using jingles and cartoons that show meaning. They are also arranged in ways that children will be able to remember via visuals and right-brain elements integrated into each lesson. All lessons are reproducible, printable, and ready to use.
Sound Spelling Teaching Cards
Sound Spelling Teaching Cards equip you to effectively teach 154 sound spellings, word structure, spelling, and to enhance reading comprehension. Sound Spelling Teaching Cards include all sound spellings that are not a basic sound.
Easy-for-Me™ Children's Readers B & C
Easy-for-Me™ Children's Readers Sets B & C are important tools to provide reading practice as you teach phonics and sight word concepts. Each of the stories are prefaced by a mini-lesson so you can be sure all skills are taught before children read. This way, kids experience success each time they read. There are a total of 46 little books that are leveled and increase in difficulty.
Beyond Sight Words Activities B, C, F, & N1
Beyond Sight Words Activities is a collection of over 500 leveled games and activities that teach every aspect of reading visually, tactilely, and in ways that effectively engage children. Activities target essential components of effective reading instruction.
How to Teach SnapWords®
How to Teach SnapWords® is a helpful resource that will provide you with games and activities for teaching sight words. Activities included build skills in:

The Easy-for-Me™ Teaching Kit 2 is the perfect resource to take your child from an early reader to reading at a 3rd grade level.
Unsure if this kit is right for your student? Use this placement test to determine proper placement.
If you have any questions please contact us!
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