
Right-Brained Fractions

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Dive into the captivating world of fractions with Right-Brained Fractions! This engaging resource introduces students to fractions in a whole new way, turning learning into an exciting adventure. With vibrant visuals, captivating stories, and interactive activities, students will discover the magic of fractions while honing their understanding and skills. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to fraction fun as students explore the fascinating world of fractions, building a solid foundation for success in math and beyond.

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What’s Included

·         Right-Brained Fractions includes 227 pages of lessons and activities covering concepts such as:

Defining Terms, Fractional Parts, Counting and Comparing, Fraction Number Sense, as well as Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, & Dividing Fractions

For additional insights and related topics, explore these recommended articles for a deeper understanding and further exploration!

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