Infographic: How to Effortlessly Teach Sight Words
Does it seem like your child just can’t learn sight words? Does he struggle with reading? You may have been trying for months to get sight words help for your child. Maybe you tried using flash cards, drilling him, having him write the words over and over – but nothing is helping. He just can’t remember words!
The good news is that you have come to the right place. You CAN help your child learn sight words. We will provide you with proven resources to help your child learn easily and in a way that makes sense for him - which means you will see results right away. Take a look at this infographic to find out how!
The Significance of Sight Words:
- Sight words represent 90% of words found in books children read
- Children are tested on sight words which directly impacts their grade
How Sight Words are Traditionally Taught and the Outcome:
- The task is simply word recognition
- Children are given a list of words to learn - sometimes on flashcards
- The process is memorization, review, and testing
- Approximately 25% of children are left-brained learners who are able to memorize as a means of learning to recognize sight words
- Many children who are able to recognize words rapidly do not comprehend what they are reading
The Power of Visuals When Teaching Sight Words:
- Roughly 66% of children prefer a visual/spatial way of learning and around 33% of children must have a visual/spatial way of learning to be successful
- Visuals bypass the need to memorize as words are remembered as images
- Visuals show the meaning of the word in context
- Visuals are colorful and engage the child and when a child is attracted to learning, learning happens
- Visuals trigger memories from the child's own life making it personal to him
- Visuals ease learning for English language learners
Why are SnapWords® so Effective?
- SnapWords® are 630 high-frequency words embedded in visuals printed on cards. On the back of the card is the plain word, a sentence providing context and correct usage of the word, and a body motion that reflects the word
- SnapWords® trigger multiple regions in the brain at one time, and the neurons that are firing bond together as one neural network. This is how learning happens.
- When the child sees the plain word, all the other elements that were bonded together are also recalled - the sentence, the body motion, and the image.
- The word stimulates the left hemisphere
- The visual stimulates the right hemisphere
- The body motion stimulates the cerebellum
- The visual stimulates the hippocampus as the child recalls personal experiences that are reflected in the image
- The color and story implied in the visual attract the child, and in the amygdala, positive biases form towards learning sight words
Outcome of Using SnapWords®
- Children can quickly gain a large vocabulary of words they can instantly recognize, so they are able to read books
- SnapWords® are huge confidence builders
- Children who use SnapWords® understand that words tell stories and convey meaning so reading comprehension is high
- Children who might have failed reading or been labeled with a disability now have the tools to successfully learn to read and pass tests
Are you ready?
Try SnapWords® for free!
Do you want to learn more?
Here are some important links on the importance of sight words.
Why SnapWords are Crucial for Beginning Readers
3 Reasons why you Should Teach Sight Words to Preschoolers
4 Games to Transition from SnapWords to Plain Words
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