Infographic: Learning Success - It's All in the Design

Learning Success - It's all in the Design
Ineffective Learning
-Taking notes
- Listening to someone talk
- Memorizing formulas, rules, steps
- Doing homework
- Reviewing, drilling
- Taking tests
- Basic information that is heard, read, or written down takes place in Broca's Area and Wernicke's area in the brain.
- Our brains are not hard wired to retain facts that are acquired in this way for very long.
Effective Learning - How to create an environment for lasting learning
- A variety of types of input during a lesson stimulate several areas in the brain at one time, causing neurons to fire in each of those areas
- The neurons that fire together, wire together, making one neural network that represents the whole learning experience
- The richer, more varied the experience, the greater the students' understanding will be, but also the greater the chance of total recall of the lesson
- One little hook such as a color, an image, or a jingle can cause the whole learning piece to come flooding back clearly. Whatever is linked in that neural network is recalled in its entirety.
- Stories stimulate the brain to search for similar experiences - activates much of the brain in all the areas that would be active were we actually living the story.
- Smells are very closely associated with images, patterns, right hemisphere
- Metaphor activates sensory cortex as we describe smells, or textures, etc.
- Body Movement - Cerebellum
- Hands-on - work with concrete objects - visuospatial processing in the parietal lobe
- Engagement - Amygdala - contextual learning, Hippocampus associating, vital to memory
Child1st Products
All Child1st Products use a variety of types of input to stimulate different areas in the brain.
- Stories explain concepts which makes learning relatable. Stories activate the Hippocampus and Amygdala in the brain.
- Patterns provide relationships and context. This happens in the Right hemisphere of the brain.
- Constructivism, hands-on work, planning, estimating, conscious thought takes place in the Frontal Lobe of the brain.
- Color sets mood, engages, codes for recognition, visual cortex which activates the Right hemisphere.
- Humor engages, provides a hook, and activates the Limbic system in the brain.
- Body movement makes learning felt physically for strong recall, this takes place in the Cerebellum.
- Images show meaning, are captured instantly, carry abstract concepts into visual memory, engage, convey mood. This happens in the Right hemisphere and the Visual Cortex in the brain.
- Symbols and words activate the Left Hemisphere of the brain.
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