The Abstract Sequential Learning Style
While dominant Abstract Sequential people can imagine and create, they are firmly based in fact, logic, and expediency. What they create will likely be a system that will be useful and solve problems. They are less likely to create simply for enjoyment, making things up out of thin air. Their creation will meet a need and solve a problem.
They do not trust emotions and feelings unless they have had time to evaluate whether or not those feelings and emotions are completely justified. At times it will take the AS child some time to even figure out WHAT they are feeling.
Abstract Sequential children have an inborn sense of how much time will be required to complete tasks they are asked to do and complete them thoroughly. If they sense that they have too much to complete in the amount of time they have, they can become very distressed to the point of shutting down and refusing to do the work. While their more random counterparts might not worry about rushing a job just to call it done, AS children would rather not do the work at all than do it in a haphazard manner.
There are always personal traits that can be misunderstood when in reality what is going on is positive. For example, the abstract sequential child may seem to be aloof at times, may seem opinionated, may even seem argumentative on occasion, and when rushed, may come to a complete stand-still. But if we take the time to delve beneath the surface with the goal of mining the gold in the child, the rewards will be great. Best of all we will be equipped with the knowledge we need to relate beautifully to them.
What Abstract Sequentials Need
I have a child who is dominantly abstract sequential and have enjoyed and admired her for 32 years now! I have to admit that for years there were aspects of my daughter’s makeup that I didn’t know how to interpret, but after reading The Way They Learn when she was in 9th grade, a lot of the pieces suddenly fell into place. It was amazing!
To AS learners, gathering facts from recognized experts in their field is critical, so if you express an opinion, be prepared to back it up with some verifiable data. This is one child to whom you don’t want to say, “Because I said so!” One of the little areas where my daughter and I butted heads frequently was over my relying heavily on my instincts but my daughter needing to see tangible proof of the facts. “How do you know that?” is a question an AS might vocalize on a regular basis.
Abstract sequential learners are in the great minority. If you are the parent or teacher of an AS, any time you invest in becoming attuned with them will pay off in huge dividends to both of you. I will never forget pulling my upset 3rd grader into my lap one Sunday morning after she told me she’d had a nightmare. Turns out she had been having them for a solid year but was just then able to verbalize to me what her fears were. I felt pretty awful for not picking up on it sooner. The best piece of advice I can offer is to take the time to notice the little things. Don’t become too busy to be in tune with them. Notice body language, pay attention to their frustrations, and listen to them talk. The AS child will usually not demand the acceptance and support they need.
Sources of Stress in the Classroom
- Hearing a rant from the teacher which should be directed to a small number of children in the classroom but is instead verbalized to the whole group.
- Busy work for homework
- Too many assignments for the time allotted
- Timed tests or quizzes in which they are to complete as many answers as they can in a given amount of time, but are not allowed to complete ALL the questions
- Unclear questions or directions
All these create stress and upset for this type of learner.
The abstract sequential child does poorly with tests that are true/false or multiple choice where the best answer is one that is true most of the time. They excel on tests that allow for variables in the answers.
If the question allows any room for situations in which that particular thing might not be true, AS learners will not know how to answer.
My daughter performed outstandingly in classes in which she was able to share her reasoning, but did less well in classes that were more concrete in their approach. The only thing I knew to tell her was to answer the questions anyway, but use asterisks and write her comments by the questions that to her seemed to present more than one answer. (Then I prayed the teacher would read and consider her comments!)
What Abstract Sequentials Are Good At
Abstract Sequential learners are wonderful at evaluating situations or needs and creating systems or procedures that are efficient and which meet those needs.
I learned early in my relationship with my daughter that she would not have to find out the hard way how to make good choices. She was constantly observing and evaluating the behaviors of her peers. She would be dumbfounded at times by the choices her more random counterparts made that ended badly for them, especially when they repeated their poor choices multiple times.
She was also frustrated when she had to work within a disorganized system of any kind. By the time she was in 10th grade, we had a little conversation about her future. I said, “You are gifted in creating systems and procedures. My advice to you is that you prepare yourself for a career in a field in which you can create systems and not have to work for someone who is not as good as you at creating them.”
It was less important WHAT she did, but it was critical that she be able to have the freedom to come up with procedures on her own because no matter what emergency situation she found herself in, she calmly and quickly evaluated the problem and arrived at a workable solution. Her sense of what will work well and what will not work well is heightened and she chafes at having to follow directions that to her seem illogical or meandering.
Who Abstract Sequentials Are & What They Do
- Analyze a situation before acting
- See the big picture and imagine a solution
- Are admired for their intellect
- Are exact and precise
- Are factual and can back up what they do or think
- Solve problems efficiently
- Are logical and structured in their thinking
- Like to discuss and debate controversial topics
- Need a quiet environment in which to think and work
- Admire intellect and ideas
- Tend to ask amazing questions
- Remember details and can relate them back to you
What Abstract Sequential Learners Prefer
- Listening to lectures or lessons and reading
- Following logical, accepted procedures
- Data to back up statements
- Teachers who are experts in their field
- Seeing a project through to the end
What Is Hard for Abstract Sequential Learners
- Being rushed
- Not having their questions answered
- Being asked to express their emotions
- Being governed by someone who is governed by sentiment
- Working inside a system that is not efficient or effective
- Illogic
- Lack of clarity as to the task or question
How to Help Your Abstract Sequential Child
If you have a child who is AS and they are upset, rather than making them verbalize what is bothering them, play 20 questions like this:
“Was it something that happened at school?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“Was it something in class?”
“On the playground?”
Keep asking questions until you arrive at the issue at hand. When you finally guess correctly, your child will likely smile with relief and say, “Thanks! I feel a lot better!”
When we understand our own learning styles and the learning styles of those we interact with, it has a profound effect on our interactions and relationships. If you would like to learn more about identifying learning styles, check out our blog, The Importance of Finding Your Child's Learning Style.
Need help finding your learning style, or those of a child or student? Check out these helpful resources:
What is my Dominant Learning Style?
Characteristics of the Dominant Learning Styles
Gregorc's Style Delineator
If you have any questions, please contact us!
Thanks. I remember taking some test in middle school and falling under Abstract Sequential. At 39, I have come back to it by chance as I prepare for a seminal business event, and wish I would have kept this in mind throughout. But it is so spot on, and I’ll keep it in mind as position myself to be as effective as possible within the team I am building, and as I hire.
P.S. I remember looking at some multiple choice question from middle school or elementary and thinking, “well it depends.” lol
P.P.S. The name of the company I founded is literally called TRIG Operating System (Third Renaissance Investigation Group, Operating System)— TRIG-OS. #SoSuperAbstractSequential :)))
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