How to Increase a Child’s Reading Level
Maximizing Strengths
Much like teaching a child to read, increasing their reading level can be attained through many of the same techniques. Discovering and understanding their learning style and strengths will assist in finding the most effective multisensory elements to incorporate, such as:
- Images, stories, auditory sensations, body movement, and hands-on activities
- Teaching from whole to part
- Pattern discovery
- Visualization
After discovering which elements are most effective, incorporate them into your child’s reading sessions. Provide encouragement, support, and opportunities for practice in a fun and stress-free environment. Be sure to let them know that you believe in them and their ability to succeed!
Learn More
If you want to help your child ascend up the reading levels, check out the resources below.

Tools That Will Rocket Kids Into Reading

The Benefits Of Using a Multisensory Approach for Reading

The Importance of Finding Your Child's Learning Style

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