Teaching a Child With Autism to Read
Unique Giftings & Challenges
Children with autism need highly structured learning experiences, and as they tend to think in pictures, they benefit from plenty of visuals and concrete objects being used in their learning. Many special education teachers and parents of autistic children believe that children with autism learn best with hands-on or very colorful activities. Books with pictures, audiobooks, and touch-and-feel books all work well.
Techniques for teaching reading:
- Use visuals attached to words so the child can learn to read them
- Teach reading concepts using visual reminders for phonics rules
- Include body movement
- Use topics of high interest to your child
- Have your child stylize their own sight words
- Teach from whole to part
- Encourage your child to find patterns
Learn More
If you want to learn more about effectively teaching children with autism to read, check out the resources below.

Using Multisensory Resources for Children with Autism

11 Strategies to Use When Teaching Children with Autism to Read

How to Choose Effective Reading Materials for Children With Autism

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