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Easy-for-Me™ Complete Teaching Kit

Prepare your students for reading success with the comprehensive Easy-for-Me™ Complete Teaching Kit! Designed to accommodate diverse learning styles, this all-inclusive kit provides the perfect solution for beginners and students struggling with traditional reading methods. With an array of engaging materials, including body motions, images, stories, and hands-on activities, the Easy-for-Me™ program ensures that essential reading skills are taught in alignment with each child's developmental stage. Whether your students are just starting their reading journey or need extra support, the Easy-for-Me™ Complete Teaching Kit offers a tailored approach that fosters success. Plus, with additional resources for classroom use, you'll have everything you need to create an enriching learning environment. Engage your students and set them on the path to reading proficiency with the Easy-for-Me™ Complete Teaching Kit!

Product Information

How it Works
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Tools & Resources

The Easy-for-Me™ reading program is designed to accommodate various learning styles, offering an ideal solution for beginners and those who may struggle with traditional reading methods. By integrating body motions, images, stories, and hands-on activities, Easy-for-Me™ ensures that essential reading skills are taught in alignment with a child's developmental stage, rather than relying on rote memorization. This approach is particularly effective for children who have faced challenges with traditional methods, often leading to success even for older non-readers. With the Easy-for-Me™ Complete Teaching Kit, children with no prior reading background can successfully learn to read. This user-friendly resource covers all necessary skills in a multi-sensory, right-brained manner, leaving no gaps and eliminating unnecessary busy work.

Easy-for-Me™ Complete Teaching Kit offers the same effective materials as the Easy-for-Me™ Teaching Kit 1, enhanced with additional resources for classroom use. This kit adopts a comprehensive approach to teaching reading, focusing on six essential components. Phonemic awareness is developed through auditory practice, while phonics instruction emphasizes visual sound spellings to build word recognition skills. Early vocabulary learning includes high-frequency words and related words through sound spelling. Fluency is prioritized, with children learning to recognize sound spelling patterns, sight words, and develop phrasing and expression. Comprehension activities, such as word/picture matching and story sequencing, enhance visual memory and understanding. Additionally, writing is viewed as a crucial skill, reinforcing learning and completing the learning cycle. Easy-for-Me™ Complete Teaching Kit provides the resources and activities needed to effectively teach these components, guiding children to become confident and skilled readers.

Easy-for-Me™ Complete Teaching Kit is only available in physical format:

  • Physical   physical teaching cards measuring 5.5” x 4.25”, physical pocket size cards measuring 4.25” x 4.75”, physical books, and physical posters

All resources and assessments are in a printable PDF format. 

Easy-for-Me™ prioritizes skill acquisition and addresses common gaps in learning to read through intentional design. Instead of relying on intuition or guessing, every skill is explicitly taught. The Complete Teaching Kit comprises 77 self-paced lessons meticulously outlined to provide clear guidance even for non-specialists in education. Each lesson, lasting 20-30 minutes, is structured to accommodate children's individual pace while ensuring comprehensive learning.

  • Section 1 
  • Lays a robust foundation for children to embark on their reading journey. With a minimal set of tools, students comprehend the why and how of reading before delving into intricate details. This approach is magical for beginners and older non-readers alike. It effectively closes learning gaps, imparts only essential knowledge, connects each new element to prior concepts, and ensures all teaching directly embeds into the child's powerful visual and body memory. 

    By Lesson 20, children master 8 sounds and 4 words, enabling them to read the first two books in Set A Readers. By Lesson 30, armed with 8 sounds and having learned 23 sight words, students can read a total of 7 books from Set A Readers.
  • Section 2
  • Continues the journey by introducing new sounds, blending them, exploring writing, crafting words, acquiring related sight words, and reading books. As children progress to Section 2, they already comprehend the essence of reading, making the addition of new tools seamless, and their pace accelerates.
  • Section 3
  • Marks the culmination of the reading journey. It covers the remaining sounds, incorporates the final 5 SnapWords® from List A, and culminates with the reading of the last 7 books from Easy-for-Me™ Children’s Readers Set A, completing the process of learning to read.

Unleash the power of Easy-for-Me™ Reading to seamlessly teach the art of reading to learners of all styles! This program is specially crafted to resonate with picture thinkers, right-brained learners, kinesthetic and visual learners, and other nontraditional learners. Designed for simplicity and success, it's a breeze for the child and a joy for the teacher. Experience the magic of teaching once and captivating the minds of all your students.

For an enriched learning experience, consider pairing with these other great Child1st resources for an engaging multisensory learning experience!

For additional insights and related topics, explore these recommended articles for a deeper understanding and further exploration!

Resource Links

What's Included

  • Easy-for-Me™ Teaching Manual 1
  • Alphabet Tales
  • Alphabet Teaching Cards
  • Alphabet Display Cards
  • Writing the Visual, Kinesthetic, and Auditory Alphabet
  • Easy-for-Me™ Children’s Readers Set A – 7 Pack
  • SnapWords® List A Teaching Cards
  • SnapWords® List A Pocket Chart Cards
  • SnapWords® Numbers, Colors, Days, Months, & Seasons Teaching Cards
  • SnapWords® Numbers, Colors, Days, Months, & Seasons Pocket Chart Cards
  • How to Teach SnapWords®
  • Easy-for-Me™ Teaching Posters
  • Download of Resources and Assessments

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I help a child struggling with letters and their sounds?

Stories and visuals serve as potent instruments for engaging and educating children. Young learners naturally gravitate toward visual stimuli, stories that captivate their imagination, and interactive, tactile experiences. When crafting each letter of the alphabet, align its shape with a recognizable object. This association links the letter's form with its corresponding sound. By incorporating images, children can seamlessly connect letter shapes with their phonetic sounds. The addition of stories and imagery reinforces the memorization of letters and their associated sounds. Furthermore, the inclusion of hands-on and tactile activities enhances the learning experience.

What letters should children learn first?

Teaching the alphabet in the traditional alphabetical order, as seen in the alphabet song, isn't inherently magical or more effective. Letters in words don't always follow the alphabetical sequence either. Alphabet Tales takes a different approach by presenting the alphabet in a deliberate order that enables young learners to construct simple words right away. This approach offers a clever and practical way to demonstrate the purpose of letters to children. For instance, Alphabet Tales introduces the Letter A and its associated sound first, followed immediately by the letter T. This allows children to form the word "AT." Subsequently, the introduction of the letter C forms the word "CAT," and so on. By showing the practical application of letters and their sounds, Alphabet Tales provides a more meaningful and engaging way for young children to learn.

Why are sight words important?

Sight words are critical in early literacy because they make up 80-90% of the words children encounter in text, and recognizing them instantly greatly simplifies reading, improving fluency and comprehension. These high-frequency words, such as "the" and "and," enhance reading fluency, comprehension, and confidence, laying the foundation for more advanced literacy skills, reducing cognitive load, and supporting performance on standardized tests and overall language development. In a nutshell, mastering sight words is essential for building strong reading skills in children.

What are SnapWords®?

SnapWords® are designed to cater to diverse learning styles, particularly accommodating visual learners who benefit from associating words with images, seeing the whole word before delving into details like phonics, spelling, and decoding. This approach begins with presenting the entire word, allowing learners to establish a visual memory of the word's form before exploring spelling patterns and phonics rules, ultimately empowering them to tackle more complex, unfamiliar words. While sequential methods typically start with teaching details before introducing the whole word, SnapWords® recognize that right-brain dominant learners thrive by grasping words and phonics holistically.

For individuals with a left-brain dominant learning style, who think in words and handle abstractions adeptly, the images on the front of the cards may appear redundant or distracting. The unadorned word on the back may align better with their preferences. However, for right-brained visual learners, the inclusion of images is indispensable. These images enable them to create a mental picture and store the entire word in visual memory, matching their cognitive style. This image then serves as a recall anchor, even when they encounter the plain word. If asked how they remember the word while reading, they will often attribute it to the image stored in their visual memory.

SnapWords® take a comprehensive approach by incorporating body motion to engage kinesthetic learners, activating body memory. Additionally, the inclusion of sentences aids in comprehending and using words correctly within the context of sentences. This multifaceted method ensures that SnapWords® address various learning preferences and provide a holistic learning experience.

What is the difference between Teaching Cards and Pocket Chart Cards?

The Teaching Cards come in a convenient size of 5.5" in width and 4.25" in height, making them perfect for group instruction. If you prefer a more compact option, the Pocket Chart Size Cards are half the dimensions, measuring 4.25" in width and 2.75" in height. These smaller cards are excellent for small group activities and independent practice, offering flexibility in how you use the materials.

How can I help my struggling reader?

Embrace a holistic approach to learning to read, one that engages multiple regions of the brain and the body—a comprehensive "whole body/brain learning" strategy. This method taps into the brain's optimal learning mode, which is through sensory input encompassing body movement, visuals, tactile experiences, and tangible objects, as opposed to static images. To effectively support kinesthetic learners, consider the following tips: encourage physical replication, link abstract concepts to tangibles, involve hands-on learning, employ multimodal teaching, and integrate problem-solving with tangible objects. 

Complete the learning cycle to ensure the learning process forms a full circle. When you teach through all three modalities, the second step involves allowing the child time to deepen their understanding by drawing, writing a phrase using the new word, and illustrating it. The final step is when the child can articulate and demonstrate what they've learned, showing you the drawings they've created and discussing their learning journey. This process ensures that information is absorbed, organized, and committed to long-term memory, and then it is shared verbally and tangibly—an exceptionally effective and beautiful learning approach.