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Right-Brained Multiplication & Division

Unlock the magic of math! Right-Brained Multiplication & Division offers a unique pathway to mathematical mastery, tailored for visual, kinesthetic, and tactile learners. Through engaging stories, vivid illustrations, and interactive exercises, students discover the true essence of multiplication and division. Say farewell to tedious memorization and embrace a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. With helpful tracking charts, memory-boosting tricks, and hands-on activities, this resource transforms learning into an exciting adventure. Prepare to unleash the full potential of your child's mathematical journey!

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Traditional math instruction often caters to auditory/sequential processors, who excel in thinking in words and symbols and following step-by-step instructions. However, this approach may not suit visual/spatial and kinesthetic learners, who thrive when presented with color, patterns, and hands-on activities. As a result, these children often struggle to grasp math concepts and procedures effectively.

The Right-Brained Math Series recognizes the diverse processing styles of children and aims to meet the needs of visual spatial learners, kinesthetic/tactile learners, and other students with unique learning needs. By incorporating visuals, stories, and hands-on activities, Right-Brained Math provides a holistic approach to learning math that aligns with the strengths of these learners. Through engaging activities and multisensory experiences, students can develop a deep understanding of numbers and math procedures, allowing them to apply their knowledge confidently.

With Right-Brained Math, children have the opportunity to learn in a way that resonates with their learning strengths, enabling them to overcome challenges and succeed in mathematics. By embracing their natural abilities and providing resources designed for their needs, students can unlock their full potential and achieve academic success.

Right-Brained Math books are available in two formats:

  • Physical  – physical book measuring 8.5” x 11”, softcover 
  • Download  – printable PDF file of the book 

Right-Brained Multiplication & Division is tailor-made for students with a strong inclination towards visual, kinesthetic, and tactile learning styles. Embracing a holistic approach, this resource illuminates the intricacies of multiplication and division by weaving together captivating stories, vivid imagery, and hands-on activities. Unlike traditional methods that rely solely on rote memorization, our approach delves deep into the underlying processes, fostering genuine comprehension and long-term retention. By relating multiplication and division, students gain a comprehensive understanding of these fundamental math skills, making learning both meaningful and enjoyable.

We understand the challenges students face when confronted with the daunting task of memorizing times tables. That's why we provide a tracking chart to monitor progress, empowering students to celebrate their achievements and stay motivated along the way. Each concept is intricately illustrated and story-based, ensuring that students not only grasp the mechanics but also appreciate the real-world applications of multiplication and division. With shortcuts and memory tricks incorporated into the curriculum, students unlock the power of visual memory, enhancing learning and recall exponentially.

Furthermore, our hands-on activities cater to kinesthetic and tactile learners, allowing them to engage with math concepts through movement and touch. By harnessing the synergy of visuals, storytelling, and physical interaction, Right-Brained Multiplication & Division offers a transformative learning experience that transcends traditional methods. Empower your students to excel in math with an approach that nurtures their unique learning styles and unleashes their full potential.

For an enriched learning experience, consider pairing with these other great Child1st resources for an engaging multisensory learning experience!

For additional insights and related topics, explore these recommended articles for a deeper understanding and further exploration!

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What's Included

  • Right-Brained Multiplication & Division includes 124 pages of lessons and activities covering concepts such as:
    The meaning of multiplication and division and how the skills relate, presented via stories and images for learning and recall 

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Frequently Asked Questions

My child is struggling with math facts. How can I help?

Math can often be an abstract subject, filled with symbols that may pose challenges for children who are visual and spatial processors. These learners thrive when they have access to an educational approach that conveys the meaning of mathematical symbols and procedures in ways that align with their unique learning style.

Right-brain dominant learners, in particular, have distinct needs when it comes to learning math. They excel when they can comprehend the underlying concepts and the meaning behind mathematical operations, rather than relying on rote procedures. For these learners, memorization is often less effective because the information tends not to stick in long-term memory. Kinesthetic children, who frequently possess a strong spatial and holistic perception of math, tend to see the bigger picture surrounding mathematical problems. They can often visualize or intuit solutions without needing to follow the minute, historical steps often taught in traditional math education.

To effectively engage right-brain dominant learners, it is crucial to encourage them to explore the captivating patterns that emerge within the realm of numbers. By presenting numbers in a broader context, these learners can remember how to solve problems and recall number facts more readily. The use of visual imagery, storytelling, and hands-on activities plays a central role in their learning style, despite these elements not being traditionally associated with math education. By incorporating these strategies, educators can help right-brain dominant learners make sense of and excel in the world of mathematics.