Learning Styles & Learners

The Importance of Finding Your Childs Learning Style

The Importance of Finding Your Child's Learning Style

The main thing to learn here is that we each trust our own ways of perceiving. A dominant concrete person relies most on hard evidence. A dominant abstract person trusts their instincts heavily. In many cases, it comes down to process versus final outcome. When we are aware of learning styles and the roles they play, we can better understand ourselves and how to work with others.

The Concrete Sequential Learning Style Child1st Publications

The Concrete Sequential Learning Style

Concrete Sequential learners have gifts of great organization, attention to detail, a tendency to always complete tasks, high productivity, and reliable dependability. While there are many other factors that make up a person’s learning style, understanding a person’s primary way of taking in and processing information is essential to understanding that individual.

The Abstract Sequential Learning Style Child1st Publications

The Abstract Sequential Learning Style

While dominant Abstract Sequential people can imagine and create, they are firmly based in fact, logic, and expediency. What they create will likely be a system that will be useful and solve problems.

The Abstract Random Learning Style Child1st Publications

The Abstract Random Learning Style

Heightened instincts and intuition make the AR gifted at reading signals that to others might be invisible. In addition, the AR is strongly motivated by the needs of others. Not just sensing them, but doing something about them.

The Concrete Random Learning Style Child1st Publications

The Concrete Random Learning Style

Concrete Random learners are curious, hands-on, creative, and dynamic. Things tend to go far better when you are teaching or parenting a Concrete Random dominant child if you take an approach to leading them that is different from how you would approach other learning styles. 

The Role of Emotions in Learning Child1st Publications

The Role of Emotions in Learning

The more a child associates negative emotions with learning, the more his brain will shut down. He will be immersed completely in his emotions which are urging him to avoid the danger he is in. I have seen children who get to this stage in their life check out, and of course, learning does not happen.

6 Fun and Easy Ways to Teach Very Young Children Child1st Publications

6 Fun and Easy Ways to Teach Very Young Children

I believe that the most successful learning takes place when an environment is prepared with such careful thought that when a child enters that environment, he automatically begins to absorb concepts without anyone instructing him and without even realizing that he’s learning.

Discovering Your Childs Giftedness Child1st Publications

Discovering Your Child’s Giftedness

Today’s topic is based on Howard Gardener's theory of Multiple Intelligences, which most are familiar with. So rather than bore you or drive you away by going into them in depth, what I will do is point you in the direction of some checklists for you to use in determining your child’s primary giftedness/intelligence.

Why You Shouldnt Label a Child as Learning Disabled Child1st Publications

Why You Shouldn't Label a Child as Learning Disabled

I have spent a lot of time nose-to-nose with kids who had been sent to special education classrooms and have seen the resulting emotional pain. They carry the disability label as a brand on their hearts and minds. It colors everything in their world.

4 Key Elements That Help Preschoolers Connect With Learning Child1st Publications

4 Key Elements That Help Preschoolers Connect With Learning

The really young learn most readily through pictures, stories, music, games, and a whole lot of hands-on play. Some specific elements work well to create a natural learning experience for little tots, a learning experience that is not only effective but is fun and easy for you as the teacher!

3 Reasons Why You Should Teach Sight Words to Preschoolers Gasp Child1st Publications

3 Reasons Why You Should Teach Sight Words to Preschoolers (Gasp!)

I still believe that very young children should not be forced into formal education, and while I still believe that traditional ways of teaching reading are not beneficial to the very young, I now encourage people to teach sight words to preschoolers.

How to Meet the Needs of Many Types of Learners at One Time Child1st Publications

How to Meet the Needs of Many Types of Learners at One Time

It took me several years of refining before I developed an approach to teaching many kinds of learners at one time that assured that they would all learn. Below, the various elements that are included in the design of Child1st materials are detailed for you.

Why We Should Label Children By Their Strengths Not Their Weaknesses Child1st Publications

Why We Should Label Children by Their Strengths, Not Their Weaknesses

If we don't help children find their strengths, they might take a lifetime to find them. They might spend a whole lot of energy doing things that are not fulfilling to them, changing jobs, feeling inadequate, not trying things that are in their wheelhouse, or not reaching their true potential.