How to Use Stories Visuals as Powerful Learning Tools Child1st Publications
Feb 04, 2016

How to Use Stories & Visuals as Powerful Learning Tools

Stories used in teaching and learning don’t have to be long, they don’t have to be highbrow, nor do they have to be serious! Make them funny and the child will be sure to remember them forever!

From their earliest years, children are storytellers

Stories are their language, so it makes sense to use story as a vehicle for conveying a whole lot of factoids we want them to remember. The story is like the line of boxcars that are carrying all that info but in a way that ties the info together and helps them remember the important facts. 

Stories used in teaching and learning don’t have to be long, they don’t have to be highbrow, nor do they have to be serious! Make them funny and the child will be sure to remember them forever!

Take for instance a story and visual that will help your child remember the letters that spell “cat” and the order they go in.

The Visual:


How to use stories and visuals as powerful learning tools

In this image, the cars of the train carry the letters that spell “cat” in the correct order. 

The Story:

Rumor has it that when the letters were choosing in which order to ride, they chose T because he always pays attention to where he’s going. A always just likes to look out the window, while C never stops talking to A. Clearly the friends chose well when they chose T to drive! C is talking to A while T drives is the storyline in a nutshell!

At Child1st, we use stories, humor, pattern, visuals, and body movement to make learning otherwise boring things memorable and easy to remember. Most importantly, they are also developmentally appropriate for very young children.

Here are other examples from our blogs

How to Teach Vowel Sounds so Kids Will Remember

Using Visual Cues with Visual Learners

Enlist the help of your child as you search your brain for a story and a visual that will help teach a concept. I suspect if you are reaching for stories and visuals to help you teach, you probably have some visual or right-brained learners! They will likely do a great job of coming up with help and this will reinforce to them their best learning tools!

Browse our “done for you” teaching materials that use stories, visuals, and so much more! Help your child love to learn.


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