Strategies for Right-Brained Learners

The Fun and Effective Way to Teach Quotation Marks Child1st Publications

The Fun (and Effective) Way to Teach Quotation Marks

When I taught second grade, the majority of my students had a hard time with quotation marks. They were not sure how to use them, when to use them, or how to identify in writing the words that were actually being spoken by someone. Once I infused my lessons with multisensory elements, my students were easily able to comprehend and correctly use quotation marks. The following lesson will show you how to help your students experience success, too!

Number Sense The Power of Patterns

Number Sense: The Power of Patterns

A child more readily learns material if it is embedded within a pattern. Brain research tells us that the human brain is a pattern-seeking organ, and we have only to watch children at work in pattern discovery to know that this is true.

Teaching Sound Spelling Patterns Part 3

Teaching Sound Spelling Patterns Part 3

In part 1 of this series, we looked at the benefits of teaching sound spellings and gave a few examples of the best ways to teach them. Part 2 covered an AUGH spelling as well as several OUGH spellings. In the third part of this series, we will be looking at two Bossy R spellings, two sounds of OW, and two sounds of OU. Let’s have some more fun with sound spellings!

Blog posts Teaching Sound Spelling Patterns Part 4

Teaching Sound Spelling Patterns Part 4

We hope you have been enjoying this fun and unique approach to teaching a tricky topic. Over the past few weeks, we have covered many different sound spellings, integrating multisensory components that allow all learners to gain confidence in their abilities. We will conclude this series today with six more sound spellings!

Blog posts Teaching Sound Spelling Patterns Part 1

Teaching Sound Spelling Patterns Part 1

In my experience, many students who struggle with reading rely heavily on their brain’s tendency to look for patterns or reasons why in what they are learning. So if we group like elements together and teach them at one time, it goes a long way towards demystifying spelling patterns for them.

Blog posts Teaching Sound Spelling Patterns Part 2

Teaching Sound Spelling Patterns Part 2

Last week we looked at how teaching sound spelling patterns helps students derive meaning, improve comprehension, and experience success in reading. Today, we are going to take a deeper look at the OUGH spelling pattern, as well as an AUGH word.

How to Glue Concepts Together So Children Will Remember Them Child1st Publications

How to Glue Concepts Together So Children Will Remember Them

These hints are all powerfully visual and tactile, and make for the friendliest way to teach a child so that learning is easy and fun! Using these types of methods to teach will act very much like glue, in that you will attract the child to learning, and the concept will stick in their memory unforgettably.

The Benefits of Teaching Math in a Right Brained Way

The Benefits of Teaching Math in a Right-Brained Way

Given that roughly 66% of children prefer a right-brained approach to learning, it is no wonder that math is such a struggle for a large portion of students. Right-brained children CAN learn math easily if it is designed in a way that makes sense to their brains.

How Orton Gillingham Compares with Child1st Materials Child1st Publications

How Orton-Gillingham Compares with Child1st Materials

Orton Gillingham has his list of red words: words that cannot be decoded. He also designates some high-frequency words as green words or those you can go ahead and decode. You can find 643 words in our inventory which are colorfully stylized to make learning them easy for your children.

4 Tips for Helping Increase Focus in Your Students

How to Increase Focus in Your Students: 4 Tips for Success

Children, even very young ones, have the ability to become their own best friends by learning what helps them the most - by asking themselves the question: "What helps me focus the best?"

10 Tips to Prepare Your Child For a Successful School Year Child1st Publications

How to Prepare Your Child for a Successful School Year: 10 Tips That Get Results

Another school year is here! As we prepare for the new school year, we understand that there could be a mix of optimism and anxiety for children and parents alike. There are so many items on our to-do lists: shopping for clothing, shoes, backpacks, lunch bags, and school supplies. 

Blog posts 12 Strategies That Support Right Brained Learners

12 Strategies That Support Right-Brained Learners

There are specific strategies we can employ when we teach that will help create a rich and supportive environment for the right-brained learners in our classrooms. The strategies are not difficult to execute but for the children who benefit from them, they can be game changers.

How to Teach Right Brained Learners

How to Teach Right-Brained Learners

Right-brained children learn differently from left-brained children. The more we understand how right-brained children learn, the easier it will be to create lessons that reach both left-and right-brained learners. This blog post will provide tips for creating a right-brained lesson and will give you an example of left-brained content made right-brained friendly. The lesson is free to download and use!

Teaching Phonics How to Make the Biggest Impact in 30 Minutes a Day

How to Teach Phonics: Make the Biggest Impact in 30 Minutes a Day

Children who have trouble learning phonics also struggle with reading. With time at a premium, I decided to meet the challenge of struggling readers by dedicating 30 minutes every day for teaching phonics. Here is how you can teach phonics to your whole class in 30 minutes a day and reach those who are lagging behind.

Beyond Memorization How to Teach Math Concepts

Beyond Memorization: How to Teach Math Concepts

Using hooks in teaching is incredibly important when teaching right-brain-dominant children. Another very important concept that makes learning more meaningful is to teach a concept in context and apply it to as many different scenarios as possible.

How to Effectively Teach Sight Words to Struggling Readers

How to Effectively Teach Sight Words to Struggling Readers

This experience with the SnapWords® card is a complete teaching experience with a visual that requires no memorization, a body motion that reflects the word, and then a sentence that draws attention to the meaning of the word.

How Child1st Meets the Challenge of RTI

How Child1st Meets the Challenge of RTI

When basic skills are missing, learning problems will only deepen with each passing year. When students struggle with reading, it makes learning anything else a serious challenge. It is far better to effectively address learning issues as soon as they appear. RTI came about in order to address this very problem.

Tools That Will Rocket Kids Into Reading Child1st Publications

Tools That Will Rocket Kids Into Reading

Here are two engaging, colorful, kinesthetic, and visual tools that have proven to work together beautifully to rocket kids into reading. The tools do the work for you of answering the learning needs of children and letting them experience success rather quickly.

Bottomup Learning and Building Strong Foundations for Abstract Ideas Child1st Publications

Bottom-up Learning and Building Strong Foundations for Abstract Ideas

Those are just a few ideas for helping children learn from the bottom up so that the ideas sink in deeply and create a strong and lasting foundation for future learning.

How to Design Units that Access each Students Giftedness Child1st Publications

How to Design Units that Access each Student’s Giftedness

I have a theory: if we access each child’s area of giftedness, we will turn them on to learning. In reality, the brain is already wired to learn. What remains is for us to figure out how to create a learning environment in which brains can learn, want to learn, and do so without a ton of effort on our part as teachers.

The Relationship Between Spelling and Reading Child1st Publications

The Relationship Between Spelling and Reading

I've come to believe that if a child is struggling with memorizing spelling words, she might also have difficulty with reading – and vice versa. The figure below shows the process of sound-spelling pattern acquisition and how a child uses it to advance in reading.

How to Use Visuals Motions to Close Gaps in Learning Child1st Publications

How to Use Visuals & Motions to Close Gaps in Learning

I have worked extensively with children who struggle with reading. If there is a gap in understanding, that gap might as well be a mile wide. Many gaps arise from teaching reading in a sequential, left-brained manner. Right-brained kids will not learn material that is presented verbally, sequentially, and abstractly.

How to Teach Children Who Learn Best Via Images Child1st Publications

How to Teach Children Who Learn Best Via Images

That is the fact that so many non-traditional learners learn best through images and hands-on experiences. What many of these children have in common is they think in pictures, not in words. What follows is that presenting new concepts via image and hands-on experience helps them learn using their strongest abilities.

How to Ensure Success in Learning Through Visuals Play Child1st Publications

How to Ensure Success in Learning Through Visuals & Play

What we can do is change how our children learn the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. If we can utilize visuals and play, kids will gain the knowledge they need, but will not feel the stress of “doing school” too early. Best of all, using visuals and play will have the effect of cutting “school time” greatly.

6 Key Elements to Incorporate When Teaching New Material Child1st Publications

6 Key Elements to Incorporate When Teaching New Material

If your child is struggling or simply not enjoying school, instead of teaching in traditional ways, try a multisensory teaching method, which simultaneously engages all of the senses

How to Use Fingermapping to Help a Struggling Reader Child1st Publications

How to Use Fingermapping to Help a Struggling Reader

What is so important about fingermapping for visual children is that this one practice could mean the difference between success and failure in reading. Using a visual tool such as fingermapping is very powerful for visual learners.

How to Use Stories Visuals as Powerful Learning Tools Child1st Publications

How to Use Stories & Visuals as Powerful Learning Tools

Stories used in teaching and learning don’t have to be long, they don’t have to be highbrow, nor do they have to be serious! Make them funny and the child will be sure to remember them forever!

Why Make Learning Fun Child1st Publications

Why Make Learning Fun?

Being engaging while teaching might be a real pain at first, but once we begin thinking that way, ideas will flow more and more readily from our imaginations. And the outcome will be priceless for our kids.

Harness the Power of Story for Successful Learning Child1st Publications

Harness the Power of Story for Successful Learning

Stories are how children most naturally communicate their thoughts and make sense of their world. Young children also utilize stories as they rehearse procedures. Stories are powerful ways of teaching concepts that would otherwise be uninteresting, boring, irrelevant, abstract, and hard to remember.

How do I Know Which Sight Words to Teach my Child

How do I Know Which Sight Words to Teach my Child?

SnapWords® were designed to teach sight words in an open learning environment that allows children to explore all lists of words regardless of their age. It can be helpful however, to have an idea of which words your child should learn by each grade level. If you are a teacher or a parent who prefer a more structured method of teaching, then this guide is for you.

Infographic Learning Success Its All in the Design Child1st Publications

Infographic: Learning Success - It's All in the Design

A variety of types of input during a lesson stimulate several areas in the brain at one time, causing neurons to fire in each of those areas. The neurons that fire together, wire together, making one neural network that represents the whole learning experience. The richer and more varied it is, the greater the recall.

Why We Should Let Children Make Mistakes Child1st Publications

Why We Should Let Children Make Mistakes

Children that are not allowed to make mistakes, who have an adult hovering closely to prevent any consequences from arising might be preventing a few disappointments, scrapes, or bruises, but they are at the same time not allowing the child to learn much about how to make good choices.

How to Help Active Children Learn Sight Words Child1st Publications

How to Help Active Children Learn Sight Words

Don’t ever, ever expect a very active child to just listen to you. Can they listen? Probably; maybe. But that is one doomed approach! Try instead putting something in their hands that relates to the thing you want them to learn.

5 Tips for Successfully Teaching Children Who Think in Pictures Child1st Publications

5 Tips for Successfully Teaching Children Who Think in Pictures

I’ve been thinking about visual learners for several years now--teaching them, working to understand how they think and learn, and then creating visual helps embedded in left brain material so they can grasp new material with ease.

The Importance of Being Positive When Describing How a Child Learns Child1st Publications

The Importance of Being Positive When Describing How a Child Learns

When it comes to children, all too often we choose the negative rather than the positive term to describe them. The consequences to doing so are monumental. It is so critical how we reflect to a child who he is when he is in a stage of life in which his self-concept is being shaped. 

How to Use Coloring Time to Propel Kindergartners into Reading Child1st Publications

How to Use Coloring Time to Propel Kindergartners into Reading

This very simple exercise was critically important in readying the brain to learn. The images the children created originated in the right hemisphere of their brains, and they when they put words to what they had drawn, they were accessing their left-brain - the whole activity strengthened the links between the two.

The Importance of Encouraging Your Childs Imagination Child1st Publications

The Importance of Encouraging Your Child’s Imagination

Just like a tiny seed grows into a mature tree, one hardly noticeable trait, if encouraged, can flourish into a character quality that will ensure a child's success as an adult: imagination.

How to Use Writing to Teach Reading Child1st Publications

How to Use Writing to Teach Reading

Whether you're a classroom teacher, a parent working with their child at home in the evenings, or a full-time homeschooling parent, this approach may be exactly what your student needs. Writing is a great and worthy vehicle for learning to read! I found great success with this method of teaching reading.

15 Things That are More Important Than Passing Tests Child1st Publications

15 Things That are More Important Than Passing Tests

Our teachers are required to cover an increasing amount of content and to boost test scores on a rising number of standardized tests. But if we are teaching to the test, are kids missing out on things far more important than a test grade?