Is your Child a Kinesthetic Learner?

Prefers to show you rather then tell you about something
Likes to have examples, pictures, or metaphors to understand the topic
Seems to touch or handle everything
Likes to build with blocks or construction toys
Enjoys making things
Likes to draw
Is physically coordinated (dancing, sports, etc.)
Has good balance
Focuses well when involved in a physical or tactile activity
Has a hard time sitting still for long periods
Tends to swing their foot when sitting in a chair
Tends to pace while talking
Has trouble explaining themselves verbally
Tends to not look right at you when you are talking
Feels the rhythm in music or percussion
Can become overwhelmed with a long task
Can’t remember the details but does remember the bottom line
Likes to find their own way through a task, figuring out as they go
Needs to understand how the lesson is relevant to them
Delayed in learning reading, writing, spelling or math
Has difficulty processing verbal directions
Can visualize ideas and solutions
Tends to act out when pressed or under stress, sometimes physically and aggressively
Appreciates time alone when stressed
Has trouble hearing when under stress
Gets into fights when frustrated
Tends to tune out when expected to listen for awhile
Has trouble explaining things with words
Tends to look off in space when trying to remember something
Performs best for a teacher who likes them
Boxes Checked:
5 and under: your child displays some kinesthetic tendencies
6 - 15: your child exhibits a lot of kinesthetic attributes
16 or more: your child is highly kinesthetic

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