What Is Right-Brained Learning? | Child1st Publications

An Overview of Right-Brained Learning


What Does "Right-Brained" Mean in Learning?

The term “right-brained” is all over our blog and website and all over the internet, and there seems to be some confusion about what it means. When we say our products are right-brained, we don't mean it literally. If that were the case, there would be no symbols: no numbers, no letters, and no words! All we would have would be color, images, patterns, rhythm, and so forth.

To say our focus is on right-brained learners is completely accurate. That term is just shorthand for saying that our products are FOR right-brained learners: are designed to marry the functioning of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. To simplify, we have taken to just calling them right-brained.

Right-Brained Addition & Subtraction

Right-Brained Addition & Subtraction, Vol 1

For example, Right-Brained Addition & Subtraction (or Right-Brained Addition & Subtraction Vol. 2 or Right-Brained Multiplication & Division.) What we really should name our first Right-Brained math book is this: "An Approach to Addition & Subtraction for Right-Brained Learners that Integrates the Functions of the Left Hemisphere with the Primary Functions of the Right Hemisphere, which are the Right-Brained Learners’ Primary Areas of Strength." But if we attempted to name a book that way, we would run out of real estate on which to print such a title.

We have a whole blog about Right-Brained Learning.

The Right-Brained Learner and Left-Brained Learning

Say there is a child who is obviously bright and creative, quick-witted, and sociable. That wonderful child is really having a hard time in kindergarten and cannot seem to remember letters and their sounds, or if they were successful with learning the sounds (possibly because they were embedded into a chant or song), they can't seem to relate those sounds to words. 

They have trouble sounding out words, or if they do laboriously sound words out, they can't remember having seen the word 10 minutes later. Say we conclude the bright, witty, creative child is actually right-brain dominant because they come up with the most off-the-wall ideas, can draw amazing pictures, love to make things with their hands, or is talented with anything that involves movement.

If we conclude that the child is dominant right-brain, would it help them if we laboriously translated everything strictly into pictures? Kind of a picture sign language of sorts? Or would that serve to further weaken the functioning of their other hemisphere, the hemisphere of their brain that deals with symbols, procedure, rules, steps, and all those intangibles that school is made of?

Our goal is to strengthen left-brain/right-brain connection by using right-brained elements to convey left-brained concepts

How can we do this? We will enlist the aid of the right-brained strengths and put them to work to help left-brained concepts come to life. BOTH hemispheres are working at the same time. To get really technical, we are strengthening communication and collaboration of the hemispheres in learning. This can be done just like we can strengthen any muscle in our body through repeated use. 

Targeting Multiple Regions in the Brain

The corpus callosum is like a bridge, a communication network between the various regions in the brain. The more we develop the networks between the hemispheres, the more information will travel between the hemispheres. 

When we give a young child a task, the best outcomes result when the task stimulates multiple regions in the brain. This has been confirmed by multiple studies over the years. If, for example, we take a sight word and embed it in a picture, and add a body motion and sentence, we are causing multiple regions in the brain to fire at one time. And what fires together wires together. A visual or a body motion can act as a hook for recall. It's amazing how rich the learning experience will become!

How to Strengthen the Left-Brain/Right-Brain Connection

If you have a child you have attempted to teach to read and they are just not getting it, it is not because they don’t have the capacity to learn. It is likely that communication in the brain can be strengthened, and there is a way to do that.

1. Get plenty of the right physical activity

Notice that the left hemisphere controls the functions on the right side of the body and vice versa. Any activity that comes naturally to children who have plenty of free time to play will help strengthen the corpus callosum. Running, crawling, going hand over hand on the monkey bars, jumping in a way that your left leg goes out as your right arm goes up in the air, using your right arm to reach around in front of your body to grab something, marching as you swing your arms opposite of how your feet are going, dribbling a soccer ball to the goal in the back yard, and so many more!

2. Use drawing and writing on a daily basis

Before beginning class for the day, provide your child(ren) with enticing coloring materials and give them time to draw a picture of whatever they want. When they have finished, they will need to write a caption and then talk about the drawing with you and their peers. In this way they will stimulate both hemispheres in the brain.

3. Use visualization regularly 

Sometimes right-brainers have a hard time expressing themselves, and most particularly when they are under pressure. (Answering a question in front of the whole class, when they know they are in trouble, when they have to describe something using only words, when they are tired, etc.) It helps a lot to provide time for the child to visualize as a picture in their head what they are thinking of, what they have read, or what they have seen, and then give them time to retrieve the words they need to change from an image into words.

When it comes to linking reading to comprehension, visualization is a powerful tool. The child needs to be taught this skill. Have him or her read a short section – start small! Next, have them close their eyes and see what the words said as a picture in their head. Then, have them express in words again, what they saw in their heads as a picture. This may not go well at the beginning, but if you make a daily practice of doing this, the visualization “muscle” will strengthen and visualization will become an automatic process. 

4. Use positive reinforcement

Make a pact with yourself to never criticize the child for any attempts they make in the process of learning. Do not compare the right-brained child with any other child in class. Focus on the right-brained learner’s incredible ability to see what others don’t, to envision brand new things that have not been invented yet, to see the whole picture all at one time, and to learn a hard concept in one snap of their mental camera.

5. Keep an open mind

Don’t make your right-brainers have to learn like everyone else does just because we as adults feel “this way that I teach is the RIGHT way.” Gulp and swallow, and then just let your right-brained children learn whole words instead of sounding out words. Let them embellish plain words so that they LOOK like what they mean. (We have some of this done for you in all our resources, but if you want the children to come up with their own, go for it!)


  • Cynthia B February 22, 2024 at 11:35 am

    My grandchildren will benefit exponentially, because of your products❤️

  • Jacqueline May 8, 2023 at 11:10 am


  • Sarah Rivers October 12, 2022 at 8:32 am

    This is all new to me but it makes perfect sense. My kindergartner is excited about leaning her vowel sounds and as a grandmother I want to be equipped to teach her the smartest way possible.

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