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Teacher Pocket
Teacher Pocket Download
Teacher Download
Teacher Download

SnapWords® 306 Kit

  • Teacher
    Physical cards measuring 5.5" x 4.25", and
    physical copies of the instructional books
  • Pocket
    Physical cards measuring 4.25" x 2.75", and physical copies of the instructional books
  • Download
    Printable PDF files of both teacher and pocket size cards, as well as printable PDF files of the instructional books
  • Slideshows
    Include both Google Slides and PowerPoint formats with audio, and printable PDF files of the instructional books
Regular price $ 140.00
Regular price Sale price $ 140.00
Save $ -140
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Tools & Resources

Embark on a transformative journey into literacy with the SnapWords® 306 Kit, a dynamic compilation that equips you with all the essential tools to teach the first six lists of SnapWords®: A-Numbers, Colors. This comprehensive kit is a gateway to language mastery, providing engaging teaching cards, versatile resources, and a structured approach to empower educators and captivate learners. Dive into the enchanting world of high-frequency words, where vibrant visuals, kinesthetic activities, and innovative teaching methods converge to make learning an exhilarating experience. Ignite the spark of literacy and set the stage for a successful reading adventure with the SnapWords® 306 Kit!

 What’s Included

·         The 306 SnapWords® Kit includes Lists A, B, C, D, E, and Numbers, Colors, Days, Months, & Seasons: 342 SnapWords® cards

·         SnapWords® Mini-Lessons 1

·         Sight Words in Sentences

Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews
Renee Lehren

My daughter with dyslexia is catching up in her reading skills with these cards. She loves the pictures and motions to help her learn. I can’t believe how well these are helping her remember the words vs my multiple attempts with plain flash cards. And her increased confidence as she learns is fueling future efforts. Thank you so much!

Sonia Grahmann

Love using Snap Words to teach high frequency words! My students quickly and easily learn new words with the help of the pictures.

Alisha Turner

We are loving these cards!!! We have tried so hard with other sight word list and flash cards with my kiddos before but nothing would get the words to stick until we found these cards. They were game changers for us!

Alana Buckman

I have created a game using these teaching cards and my children love it! It is the first thing they want to do before doing their homework. Great investment for 5-year-olds!!

Tiffany Holmes

Love these and so do my first graders!!!

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