Elevate Your Reading Prowess!
Step into the realm of advanced reading prowess with List D SnapWords®. This curated collection of high-frequency words takes your literacy journey to new heights, enriching your vocabulary and comprehension. Each word in List D is a key to unlocking more profound reading experiences. Prepare to elevate your reading skills and embark on an empowering adventure into language mastery!
What’s Included
· List D includes 55 high-frequency words (plus 4 bonus cards) & building on concepts from previous lists, covering additional concepts such as:
Final Double LL, IGH Family, EE /Ē/, AL Endings, SE /Z/, EE /Ĕ/, “AW” Sound, OULD Family, C /S/, ES /Z/ Plural Ending, UGH Endings /F/, their vs. there vs. they’re, & More
· Download of corresponding SnapWords® Mini-Lessons and Sight Words in Sentences.
For additional insights and related topics, explore these recommended articles for a deeper understanding and further exploration!
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