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SnapWords® System Kit C

Continue your reading mastery with SnapWords® System Kit C! This captivating set, featuring SnapWords® Lists C and Nouns 1, along with Easy-for-Me™ Children's Readers Set C, propels you toward a deeper understanding of language. Each word in List C is a stepping stone to heightened reading proficiency, bringing you closer to fluency and comprehension. Nouns List 1 introduces essential nouns, naming, and labeling that add depth and specificity to your language skills, enhancing your ability to express ideas with precision. Kit C teaches long and short OO sounds, OY and OI, more R-controlled spellings, OW and OU, and much more. Embark on this transformative reading experience and watch your literacy skills flourish!

Product Information

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Tools & Resources

The SnapWords® System is a dynamic educational toolkit comprising SnapWords®, SnapWords® Mini-Lessons, Sight Words in Sentences, Easy-for-Me™ Children’s Readers, and Beyond Sight Words Activities. This comprehensive system requires only 40 minutes a day and no specialized training. It effortlessly caters to children across the spectrum by addressing various processing styles. 

SnapWords®, a collection of over 640 high-frequency words, is uniquely effective due to its multimodal approach, incorporating images, body motions, and plain words to accommodate diverse learning preferences. 

SnapWords® Mini-Lessons seamlessly integrate imaginative elements, enhancing reading and spelling skills. These lessons include correct word usage, writing practice, kinesthetic body movement, and exploration of associated phonics concepts. 

Easy-for-Me™ Readers take learners to the next level by providing story contexts to practice acquired skills and words. Each reader includes a teacher's guide, reinforcing SnapWords® and phonics concepts. 

Sight Words in Sentences offer color-coded reading practice aligning with SnapWords® Lists, fostering comprehension and reinforcing correct word usage. Beyond Sight Words Activities provide printable, skill-specific activities for word recognition, phonemic awareness, phonics, writing, comprehension, fluency, and critical thinking. Designed for various difficulty levels, these activities include plain word wall words and reading assessments. 

The SnapWords® System leaves nothing to guesswork, ensuring teachers can present material confidently, and students can effortlessly connect with strategies that align with their unique processing styles.

SnapWords® System Kits are available in three formats:

  • Physical  - physical SnapWords® Cards measuring 5.5" x 4.25" and physical Easy-for-Me™ Readers, measuring 5.5” x 5.5”
  • Download  - printable PDF files of both teacher and pocket size cards, as well as printable PDF files of the readers
  • Slideshows - include both Google Slides and PowerPoint formats with audio of SnapWords® Cards, and PowerPoint format with audio of Easy-for-Me® Readers

Please note that SnapWords® Mini-Lessons, Sight Words in Sentences, and Beyond Sight Words Activities are downloads of the corresponding sections, not physical products.

The SnapWords® System is designed to provide a comprehensive and multisensory approach to teaching high-frequency words and supporting various learning styles. Here's how the system works:

  • Select a SnapWords® list and choose a level (1-5) for your child or group of children.
  • Display the 10-12 words in the chosen level in a pocket chart or on a wall.
  • Follow the lessons in SnapWords® Mini-Lessons as you teach each word.
  • As soon as children recognize the image side, turn the cards over.
  • Use the corresponding Easy-for-Me™ Children’s Readers to practice new concepts.
  • Provide students with the tactile activities from Beyond Sight Words Activities.
  • Display the new words on the word wall.
  • Select a new level of SnapWords® to teach and repeat.

In summary, the SnapWords® System uses a combination of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory elements to engage learners, making it effective for a wide range of students with different learning preferences and processing styles.

For an enriched learning experience, consider pairing with these other great Child1st resources for an engaging multisensory learning experience!

For additional insights and related topics, explore these recommended articles for a deeper understanding and further exploration!

Resource Links

What's Included

  • SnapWords® Lists C & Nouns 1
  • Easy-for-Me™ Children’s Readers Set C
  • Download of corresponding SnapWords® Mini-Lessons, Sight Words in Sentences, and Beyond Sight Words Activities C & Nouns 1

Image Gallery

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I help a child struggling with letters and their sounds?

Stories and visuals serve as potent instruments for engaging and educating children. Young learners naturally gravitate toward visual stimuli, stories that captivate their imagination, and interactive, tactile experiences. When crafting each letter of the alphabet, align its shape with a recognizable object. This association links the letter's form with its corresponding sound. By incorporating images, children can seamlessly connect letter shapes with their phonetic sounds. The addition of stories and imagery reinforces the memorization of letters and their associated sounds. Furthermore, the inclusion of hands-on and tactile activities enhances the learning experience.

What letters should children learn first?

Teaching the alphabet in the traditional alphabetical order, as seen in the alphabet song, isn't inherently magical or more effective. Letters in words don't always follow the alphabetical sequence either. Alphabet Tales takes a different approach by presenting the alphabet in a deliberate order that enables young learners to construct simple words right away. This approach offers a clever and practical way to demonstrate the purpose of letters to children. For instance, Alphabet Tales introduces the Letter A and its associated sound first, followed immediately by the letter T. This allows children to form the word "AT." Subsequently, the introduction of the letter C forms the word "CAT," and so on. By showing the practical application of letters and their sounds, Alphabet Tales provides a more meaningful and engaging way for young children to learn.

Why are sight words important?

Sight words are critical in early literacy because they make up 80-90% of the words children encounter in text, and recognizing them instantly greatly simplifies reading, improving fluency and comprehension. These high-frequency words, such as "the" and "and," enhance reading fluency, comprehension, and confidence, laying the foundation for more advanced literacy skills, reducing cognitive load, and supporting performance on standardized tests and overall language development. In a nutshell, mastering sight words is essential for building strong reading skills in children.

What are SnapWords®?

SnapWords® are designed to cater to diverse learning styles, particularly accommodating visual learners who benefit from associating words with images, seeing the whole word before delving into details like phonics, spelling, and decoding. This approach begins with presenting the entire word, allowing learners to establish a visual memory of the word's form before exploring spelling patterns and phonics rules, ultimately empowering them to tackle more complex, unfamiliar words. While sequential methods typically start with teaching details before introducing the whole word, SnapWords® recognize that right-brain dominant learners thrive by grasping words and phonics holistically.

For individuals with a left-brain dominant learning style, who think in words and handle abstractions adeptly, the images on the front of the cards may appear redundant or distracting. The unadorned word on the back may align better with their preferences. However, for right-brained visual learners, the inclusion of images is indispensable. These images enable them to create a mental picture and store the entire word in visual memory, matching their cognitive style. This image then serves as a recall anchor, even when they encounter the plain word. If asked how they remember the word while reading, they will often attribute it to the image stored in their visual memory.

SnapWords® take a comprehensive approach by incorporating body motion to engage kinesthetic learners, activating body memory. Additionally, the inclusion of sentences aids in comprehending and using words correctly within the context of sentences. This multifaceted method ensures that SnapWords® address various learning preferences and provide a holistic learning experience.

Which SnapWords® list should I start with?

When introducing sight words to your child, the appropriate starting point depends on their familiarity with these words. If your child is a beginner, commence with List A. However, if your child has some prior exposure to sight words, it's essential to assess their knowledge. Begin with List A and have them read the words aloud. They should be able to recognize and read these words quickly, without the need to sound them out. If your child successfully reads all the words in the list, advance to the next list and repeat the evaluation process. In cases where your child encounters words they need to sound out, it's advisable to commence with that specific list. Initiating with a list that contains words they already know provides a confidence boost and helps them transition to this new approach to learning.

SnapWords® Assessments

How can I help my struggling reader?

Embrace a holistic approach to learning to read, one that engages multiple regions of the brain and the body—a comprehensive "whole body/brain learning" strategy. This method taps into the brain's optimal learning mode, which is through sensory input encompassing body movement, visuals, tactile experiences, and tangible objects, as opposed to static images. To effectively support kinesthetic learners, consider the following tips: encourage physical replication, link abstract concepts to tangibles, involve hands-on learning, employ multimodal teaching, and integrate problem-solving with tangible objects. 

Complete the learning cycle to ensure the learning process forms a full circle. When you teach through all three modalities, the second step involves allowing the child time to deepen their understanding by drawing, writing a phrase using the new word, and illustrating it. The final step is when the child can articulate and demonstrate what they've learned, showing you the drawings they've created and discussing their learning journey. This process ensures that information is absorbed, organized, and committed to long-term memory, and then it is shared verbally and tangibly—an exceptionally effective and beautiful learning approach.

When should a child be introduced to phonics?

Commencing phonics instruction as early as kindergarten is entirely feasible when adopting a right-brained approach that incorporates images, body movement, and fosters meaningful connections for learning. This approach capitalizes on a child's natural inclination for sensory experiences and can effectively introduce phonics concepts from an early age.

What is the difference between phonics and phonemic awareness?

Phonemic awareness is the fundamental ability to recognize and distinguish individual sounds that come together to form a word. By placing a primary focus on developing this skill, children can effectively learn to discern and manipulate the sounds within words. Phonics, on the other hand, is the practice of associating these sounds with their corresponding "pictures," which are the letters that represent those sounds. Together, phonemic awareness and phonics lay the foundation for strong reading and language skills.

What is segmenting and blending?

Segmenting and blending are fundamental phonemic awareness skills that form the basis of early literacy development. Segmenting involves the practice of identifying and isolating the individual sounds within words. This skill can be introduced to children as early as preschool. Initially, you can model segmenting by saying a word out loud and asking the children to focus on the sounds they hear. Gradually, encourage them to segment the word with you, and with practice, they'll become adept at independently breaking words into their individual sounds.

Blending, on the other hand, is the complementary skill. Here, you enunciate the distinct sounds you hear in a word, then gradually bring them closer together until you say the complete word. These phonemic awareness exercises, segmenting and blending, are crucial in helping children grasp the relationship between sounds and letters, laying the foundation for reading and language skills.

What is phonetic spelling, and do you recommend it?

Phonetic spelling, also known as invented spelling, was a pedagogical trend in early education. This approach aimed to encourage children to start writing words using the letters that made sense to them, often resulting in creative spellings. For instance, a child might write "FONIX" for "phonics" or "PENSL" for "pencil."

However, promoting phonetic spelling can be detrimental because, once children associate sounds with their written representations, these initial spellings can become ingrained, making it challenging to correct them later. In my kindergarten class, a daily practice involved having children draw a picture and provide a caption for it. While their initial spellings were often inaccurate, this provided a valuable opportunity to guide them toward the correct phonics and spelling. By using the words they wanted to write as a starting point, we could effectively integrate phonics and spelling instruction, gradually helping them improve their written language skills.