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The Child1st SnapWords® System

The SnapWords® System explicitly teaches essential reading skills within a comprehensive system that is neurodiverse in order to meet the needs of children across the Learning Spectrum. Within the…

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January 5, 2022
The SnapWords® System and Neurodiversity
How the SnapWords® System Answers the Neurodiversity of Children Because we desire to meet the needs of children in school with equity, our mission is to provide resources that empower children to…
August 1, 2023
How to Teach SnapWords® Most Effectively
You’ve opened your Kit and have all those lovely, colorful words ready to introduce to your students! Now what? What is the very best way to teach SnapWords® efficiently and effectively?
September 22, 2023
SnapWords® to Plain Words: Transitional Games
Children with a variety of learning styles or learning needs will benefit from having support as they make the transition from SnapWords® to plain text. The more fun the activity is, the more engaged the child…
September 22, 2023
Reading, Comprehension, & Spelling: SnapWords® Can Help
Very often when children are learning to read, they focus so much on naming words that they don’t absorb the meaning of the words they are reading. I'd like to suggest some tools and strategies that will go a…
December 22, 2023
7 Reasons SnapWords® Work for Struggling Readers
Why Use SnapWords® Sight Words? At first glance they offer a little flicker of hope to the child. They are different, colorful, engaging, funny at times, and easy to capture in a blink of an eye. Here are 7…
February 3, 2016
Why SnapWords® are Crucial for Beginning Readers
SnapWords® can be learned as quickly and effectively as a mental camera snapping a picture of the word and its meaning. Most struggling readers need images to help them read, and until they learn to make them…
October 17, 2019
Deepen Reading Instruction with SnapWords® Complete Classroom Kit
Our SnapWords® Complete Classroom Kit will equip you to begin instruction on the level of each student, and will empower you to help all your students become skilled readers.
December 27, 2021
How the 301 SnapWords® Kit Adds Comprehension and Fluency to Learning Sight Words
While both the 306 and 301 SnapWords® Kits are designed to help your students recognize essential sight words instantly, the additional focus of the 301 SnapWords® Kit is on adding other essential reading…
February 3, 2022
The SnapWords® System & Science of Reading: Same Content, Different Delivery
SnapWords® is a research-based, carefully designed system that inextricably marries sight word recognition with explicit phonics instruction. SnapWords® are over 640 high frequency words with lessons for each…
April 5, 2023
How To Teach Complex Words
Go through all the SnapWords®, pointing out word chunks or sound spellings so that when they come to a more complicated word, you can show how the larger word has pieces that are similar to much smaller words…
March 10, 2022
How to Help Your Child Recognize Sight Words in Books
A vast number of children have trouble just recognizing high-frequency words. The reason this is a problem is because sight words are a high percentage of the words children encounter in reading. The design of…
February 3, 2016
How do I Know Which Sight Words to Teach my Child?
SnapWords® were designed to teach sight words in an open learning environment that allows children to explore all lists of words regardless of their age. It can be helpful however, to have an idea of which…